Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze Iso Download Nzb

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is an Action, Adventure game developed by Retro Studios Inc. and published by Nintendo in 2014 for the Wii-U.

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Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze SteamPunks Crack PC Free Download Torrent Help Donkey Kong and his friends save their home and banana hoard from marauding Vikings in the Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze game from Retro Studios.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Featured Review

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Review by: FaithFighter - 9.8/10

Cold bananas! What's going on?
All right! I cannot believe it! I am actually the first one to get to this game! I was surprised with the popularity of this game, that someone had not already reviewed it. Well, here goes. While I oftentimes feel that most Donkey Kong games wind up like a jungleized version of the Mario bros. I have to give retro studios credit for this game. Let's see why.
Graphics: If you play this using the Wii U game I have, you can get the best graphics ever! Well, at least better than my tv can provide. They are so sharp and simply stunning to me! I love their concepts for the worlds..especially the fruit jungle. Props to retro on that one! The cutscenes are fully awesome. Everything is extremely detailed and amazingly modern-looking. This is especially impressive for a 2.5 dimensional game like this. Everything just seems to pop out at me. The character design was incredible. It is nice to see that they came up with other enemies besides tiki-gods (which I am not happy about.) and the King K. Rool krew. (intentional misspelling!) I loved the way that you could see Donkey Kongs hair as it waves in the wind, and how all of his movements in the cutscenes affect it. This was an absolute treat for me in the graphics department! I wholeheartedly give it a 10.
Sound: This was another awesome department! I just absolutely loved the music in all the boss levels. It just made me all the more determined to beat the boss. It made me feel like 'that's right, I'm Donkey Kong! Bring it on you overgrown stuffed animal!' The echoes in the sometimes barren areas throughout the worlds was an awesome work. And the music in general was very pleasing. There were no sound effects that stuck out to me as bad or anything like that. And there were a few good sounds like when you bounce on the jelly in the juicy jungle. Also when you jump on enemies, it sounds like you hit a block or something, which I find to be a neat sound.
Story: The story is actually much more developed than previous Donkey Kong games that I have played. I like having the cutscenes at all the bosses. A few of them were actually funny! Like the one when the owls smashed the banana, and Donkey Kong got mad and smashed the table in return! Overall, the cutscenes and story developed the game much more than the norm for Donkey Kong (and even Mario!) So I have give the Story what I feel to be a very fair 9.Donkey kong country tropical freeze iso download nzb free
Depth: Wow! There is so much to do here! I beat the game to find that there are seven relics to find that unlock some sort of secret in the game. So far, I have found two of them. There are a lot of levels that are tricky to access. That is because the worlds have secret exits! There are some levels that have two exits, and it's up to you to find them to unlock the extra levels. There are also 4 kong letters to find in every level--except boss levels, that will unlock the level with the relic. There are also several puzzle pieces in every level to find. You can buy the parrot from Funky Kong's Fly'n'Buy to help you find those, if you want. There are also all kinds of other items that are helpful. But I shall have to let you play it on your own to find that out. Oh, and there is one more thing! There are time trials to do for every level. You can shoot for the gold, silver or bronze medal. And if you are into having your gaming console connected to the net, then you can send replays and brag about your time. (I myself am not very much into that.) So this game has a ton of stuff to do and find, and I give it a 10.
Difficulty: Once again, I give the difficulty a 9 because I believe that a 10 would be the impossible game! Obviously, since I finished it, it is not impossible. However, it was extremely difficult for me to finish especially the last boss! You have to jump on him nine times. But he will keep jumping to this platform in the distance to avoid that. From the safety of his platform, he uses his trumpet to shoot enemies and ice dragons that freeze the platforms. I like to use Dixie Kong so that, when you max the teamwork bar you can transform your enemies into golden hearts. That was quite helpful in beating this boss. While it took me hours of being on the same level and hundreds of deaths, this is actually the first boss that I managed to win without losing my partner character. I was very impressed with the difficulty of this game, and I will be going back to it soon.
Addictiveness: I will definitely give this game a 10 for addictiveness. There is so much to do that a once through will not suffice! I must play it again! There are still a lot of things for me to master. And all of the elements make this game such that I will keep coming back to it for a long time to come. Even for a guy that thought it very similar to mario bros. I was very pleased with this game and still have a lot left to do. The fact that you can get an extra character makes it more fun. My favorite character is Dixie Kong (stop! I know what you're thinking. I do not like her for being the cute girl monkey, but because she has the most useful hover jump and golden heart transformation!) There are also Diddy Kong and Cranky Kong. Cranky Kong is my second choice because with some good timing, you can jump on the spiky enemies. Diddy Kong has the useful ability to change enemies into extra lives. So mix and match, jump and bash your way through this game.
With its awesome graphics, gameplay and sound, this game truly deserves the 9.8 that I gave it
Graphics 10 Sound 10 Addictive 10 Depth 10 Story 9 Difficulty 9

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Game Description

Help Donkey Kong and his friends save their home and banana hoard from marauding Vikings in the Donkey Kong Country™: Tropical Freeze game from Retro Studios. All the challenging ground-pounding, barrel-blasting, side-scrolling mine cart action from the Donkey Kong Country series is back along with a bushel of new game play elements and features.
• Dixie Kong is back to join the adventure as a playable character alongside Diddy Kong. Either can buddy up with Donkey Kong, and each character offers a different game play experience.
• Explore new dynamic levels that twist, turn, and transform in new ways. Enjoy spectacular views from the dynamic rotating camera.
• On their journey to reclaim Donkey Kong Island, Donkey Kong and his friends travel across five islands with a variety of stages that include underwater areas and frozen environments.
• Enhance Donkey Kong's exploration and unlock secrets with a variety of new moves, including a 'plucking' system to pull items right out of the ground.
• Team up with friends in a cooperative multiplayer mode that lets two players share in the fun together. (Additional accessories required for multiplayer mode and sold separately.)
Overall 9.4 Graphics 10 Sound 10 Addictive 10Story 9Depth 10Difficulty 9

Cold bananas! What's going on?FaithFighter
All right! I cannot believe it! I am actually the first one to get to this game! I was surprised wit..
Graphics 10 Sound 10 Addictive 10 Story 9 Depth 10 Difficulty 9

Review Rating: 4.5/5 Submitted: 10-16-14 Review Replies: 1
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Comments for Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Thomasiscool290 04-05-14 - 04:50 AM
Posted by2 years ago

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is completable and 100%able on 1.7.2c very smoothly.

I posted all of this information and more elsewhere if you know where to look; the mods don't want me to post files or link to certain cemu subreddits, so I had to dumb the post down a bit.
Here's most of the post:

I can confirm this game is completable, and I have even gotten 100% completion, collecting everything. (Cemu 1.7.2c)

  • Set your GPU buffer cache accuracy to 'High' to fix a lot of graphical artifacts; it doesn't affect performance at all from what I could tell.

  • Do not use default graphics packs that increase the render resolution--it currently introduces a bunch of graphical artifacts. Update: These new graphic packs work much better! 1080p - 1440p(2K) - 2160p(4K)

  • Your input settings must have controller 1 set to 'GamePad' and you should disable other controllers, otherwise you won't be able to select a saved file properly.

  • Fur is a little glitchy*(on Cranky Kong and some bosses)*, but mostly fine and manageable.

    At the present, more than 3000 free Nintendo games are loaded on the website and it has still been in process of building, finishing the contents, so I hope that most of free Nintendo games could be updated as soon as possible. It created with the purpose is to share free Nintendo games for all of you. To a new website, it does not have much your attention (Nintendo players), but I wish you could give me a favour in advertising, introducing it to people by sharing its link for your friends, family members who own Nintendo through out Facebook, twitter and other websites. If the website becomes a well – known one, this will a motivation push me to continue updating more free Nintendo games, sharing to people.

  • This game is very playable, very smooth and has very accurate graphic emulation.

  • Some sound crackling*(edit: apparently this is a global emu bug that happens if you have maxed volume, so just turn it down to 40-50%)*, but only in very rare specific circumstances; 95% of the game is fine and the audio quality is high.

  • I ran into only about two of the hundreds of bonus rooms*(for collectible puzzle pieces)* that didn't want to render, but they did all eventually render if I tried entering them again.

  • It's possible for the game to bug out--it's extremely rare and only happened to me a couple times, but all you have to do is reload the game to fix it. It can happen if you're looking at large figurines or dioramas and quickly switching between a bunch of them, then suddenly you get infinite load times as a softlock.

  • The intro movieandending movie scenes are not currently visible at all, but their audio plays fine. Just wait a couple minutes for them to end and the game will go on! You can just look up these two scenes on YouTube.

  • Loading screens are a bit laggy, but they're loading screens, so who cares?

  • No serious or notable frame drops in the game that stop you from completing something.

  • Every Funky's Shop worked flawlessly for me, but some people have reported issues with them loading.

You may have trouble keeping the Kongs down when you hold down on your controller's analog stick*(they randomly stand up again, which is bad)*. I managed to fix this well by changing the input settings to these specific values: Deadzone 45% & Range 130% (left stick) Input felt equally as responsive as default values. Alternatively, you can just change your control scheme in-game to use the DPad.

2 Players is functional, with this workaround:

  1. Make sure controller 1 is set as GamePad, Save.

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  2. Now disable controller 1, but do not save.

  3. Set controller 2 as GamePad, Save.

  4. Close input settings and open them again.

  5. Both controller 1 and 2 will now be set to GamePad and this lets you play 2 players in DKC:TF.

Setup I completed this on:

Update:1.7.2c VS 1.8.2b comparison video

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze Ost

Updated notes for 1.7.3b:

  • Previous caches made compatible for 1.7.3d, but it's much more playable on 1.7.2c. Just play it on 1.7.2c for now.

  • A few minor graphical artifacts introduced where they weren't before. Screenshot -- Another example(overworld)

  • In the screenshot above, you can see that the framerate is much worse in some areas. 12.5 FPS in the screenshot where I had 60 before.

  • GPU usage at a solid 100% in the area of the screenshot. Changing buffer cache accuracy doesn't help. A couple parts of the stage that run smoother have lower GPU usage. Comparison to 1.7.2c

  • Some fur/hair graphical artifacts fixed or looking much better, most notably Cranky's beard and some bosses(also seen in the screenshot above).

  • More here.

Updated notes for 1.7.4c:

  • Serious performance drops from 173 are still here. GPU usage is much higher than 1.7.2c, and when it maxes out, the game lags a lot. I actually got a blue screen of death today on this version, and I think this GPU usage bug was the cause.

  • Graphical artifacts from 173 are still present.

  • I still recommend using 1.7.2c, which emulates the game great, apart from some fur, which is easy to ignore.

Updated notes for 1.7.5:

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze Levels

  • The above issues still exist in 1.7.5, so it should still be played on 1.7.2c.

About 1.7.6:

  • Previous caches will be invalidated with this version, but I will be recreating the entire cache if the above issues are fixed, otherwise there's no point!

Tropical Freeze Ridgeville Corners

Updated notes for 1.8.0b:

  • There is no 1.7.6, it's 1.8.0.

  • A couple graphical artifacts were fixed. Water in overworld was fixed. Before - After(this wasn't in 1.7.2c) --- Some polygonal backgrounds fixed. Before - After(also not in 1.7.2c)

  • Many new graphical artifacts were introduced. Multiple backgrounds and objects shake, ghost and become misaligned from other assets(GIF--#2). Light rays now flicker(GIF). Monkey barrels are now black--(GIF). The pigs aren't rendering properly like their texture isn't loading anymore. Their checkpoint objects aren't rendering properly either. The Kongs flicker between two places at once sometimes(GIF). GPU Buffer Cache Accuracy below High is even worse than before(GIF). These platforms in 3-1 aren't supposed to jerk to one side like this, instead go left and right smoothly(GIF2). It happens to the trees too. Later platforms immediately teleport back to the top-right. Basically cycles are all screwed up on this stage. The background sky and foreground dust in 3-3 is still broken. The juice in 5-2 isn't rendering properly anymore and there's no rainbows in the background here. Physics of rolling fruit in this stage is now slightly broken. Colors of life balloons in silhouette levels are less vibrant than before. There may be more since I only looked for about an hour,

  • Most importantly, the performance is significantly worse than 1.7.3 - 1.7.5, which was already a huge downgrade from 1.7.2c. Tons of lag on every stage, hardly ever touching 60, and when it does, it doesn't feel right, like the physics changed.

Updated notes for 1.8.1b:


Tropical Freeze Inc

  • sigh

Updated notes for 1.8.2b, 1.9..:

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze Rom

98% Upvoted

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